Tuesday, September 8, 2009

An OSU Weekend

Yep, that's my morning latte that I made on Saturday.  In honor of the big game I "decorated" my morning cup o'joe with caramel OSU.  They won and it was awesome!!  

After church on Sunday we left to go to Owasso and see my family.  My bro and his wife were visiting from AZ.  We don't get to see them much so it was nice to be there and get to hang out.  

Here's Little Miss modeling Aunt T's beautiful necklace.  (Jewelry making is something I would love to get into someday, but for now it will have to wait, since I can't find enough time to get all my sewing projects done.) 
The Monster showing off his Lego spaceship thing.  I had my mom aka Bama T, get out some of Uncle Z's old legos from when he was a kid.  The Monster has really been into legos lately.  
This post wouldn't be complete without pics from our trip to Chick-fil-a.  On Labor Day they had their free sandwich giveaway, dress in any sports team gear and get a free Chick-fil-a sandwich.

Me, last year with the kiddos.  I forget how bald Little Miss was, poor girl, but it's growing now. 

This year, with the whole fam. 
In case you didn't know, 

The kids were super tired on the way home (partly for The Monster cause he's been battling hand-foot and mouth-that's a whole different post).  
They konked out not 15 minutes from my parents house.  But not before we stopped at QT and got Monster an Icee.     

**Stay tuned cause I'm working on a to dye for tutorial.**

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