Tuesday, September 8, 2009

All About Me

I need a post so I can point my new about me link to it.  So here it is.  Some specs about me:
Name: Amanda, but you probably already knew that.
Age: I'm in my 20s, but not for much longer-boooo
Married: Yes, to the Mr., Ben. He's in the ministry for a great organization called Christ in Youth.  Check it out.
Kiddos: Yep. The Monster, about to turn four.  I can hardly believe it.  And Little Miss, two in January.  They were beautiful babies-I mean beautiful, some day I'll post pics.  And they're super cute now too, but I'm not partial or anything ;)

Sewing Stats:
My mom taught me to sew (I had some home-ec in jr. high/highschool), but she just joked this weekend that she should ask me for sewing tips.  I don't really think that's true.  But maybe one day I'll be that good.
My machine: I have two.
-A Singer my mom gave me.  It's a workhorse, really heavy duty, don't know the model number
-And this Brother, it's awesome!  I want to save and get the PED software for it so I can download stuff from online.
Machine I lust for: A serger, this one actually.  But again, I need to save for that and convince the Mr. that I need it. ;)

Stuff I've sewn (I'll try to get a photo link up later)
-Diapers. Yeah, I've sewn diapers.  Little Miss is in cloth (note to self-do post on cloth diapering) and I've made her some cute fitteds.
-Fleece pants for the kiddos
-Stocking caps for the kids
-A multitude of diaper cases
-Tons of baby slings
-Lots of bibs
-Receiving blankets
-Burp cloths
-Refashioned some shirts
-Hot pads
-Crayon Rollups
-Capes (Satin is my favorite *heavy sarcasm*)
I'm sure I'm missing lots of things, but be sure to check out my Future Projects links.

I also love God and am trying to become the best mom I can be with His help.

Hope you enjoy my blog and the sewing I do.  Don't be shy, leave a comment or email me if you want me to do a tutorial on something.

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