Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Some sewing for other peeps

Last night I finished up a sling for a friend and fellow OSU fan.  I think I've made like three for her the past year as gifts, not to mention several diaper cases.  She called up a couple weeks ago and said she wanted a sling for her new little one, Cash.  She needed one that she can proudly wear to the games cause they are season ticket holders, so she found some fabric and I whipped it up.  (Well not really, it took about a week and a half, life gets in the way sometimes.)  But its ready just in time for the opening game with Georgia. 
And I did actually whip up a headband for her.  Shhh, don't tell I am addicted to making these things ;)  The Mr. was standing there when I got done with the sling and asked "what are you doing now?"  I said, "I'm making a headband."  He said, "yeah, but it's 10.25."  I said, "yeah, but it will seriously take 10 minutes."  And it did.  I :heart: these things so much.  

Oh, and I sewed a nursing cover yesterday too, sorry no pics of that one. 

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