Friday, November 19, 2010

A Hat for Monster

After I finished this hat for me I asked Monster if he wanted a camo one.  He did, so I got to work.  I still have lots of digital camo left over from his play tent.  He has a messenger bag made from it, but fabric still abounds.  I barely used any for his hat, so I've got to come up with some more projects to use it up.  Anyways, on to his hat.  Same construction as mine, except I did add a bit of elastic in the bag for a snugger fit on his head.  He really likes it (he's ALL about camo-such a BOY.)
And can I say I'm pretty proud of this shot, all I did to fix it was a quick color fix.  I'm finally starting to shoot more in semi-auto.  I still need to take tons more pics to really get down ISO, aperture, shutter speed, but I'm finally starting to get it all.....I think :).

And just some Lincoln love for you.
   He is six weeks today.  Where does the time go?!

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