You can all call me June or Betty or Martha. I learned to can today. Now I do it all. I cook, I clean (sometimes), I sew, I bake.
And I can.
And I can.

Ball sent my friend Donna a huge stash of canning paraphernalia so we could all learn. She had a House Party last week but Lisa (Donna's SIL and my homegroup buddy) and I couldn't make it, so we went today. It was so fun! And NOT AT ALL over-whelming like I thought it would be.
Lisa mashing away at our strawberries. Donna in the background cutting berries. We made freezer jam and cooked jam. Both of which were super easy.
For our freezer jam we did strawberry/blueberry mix.
Lisa in a vintage Wendy's apron that was Donna's mom's.
I am excited, I mean SCARY excited about my new canning skilz. Watch out world! My mind is reeling thinking of all the things I need to can. More jam, apple butter, salsa, bread n' butter pickles, and on and on and on.
Stirring jam, topping off jars and getting bubbles out. Strawberry jam almost complete. And see that cool white & green collapsible funnel, we got to take one of those home, along w/ a recipe book and TONS of coupons. SCORE!
Our assistant underfoot. The rest of the kiddos {all seven of them} ran wild in the basement while we were making jam.The jam turned out so yummy. Now all I have to do is head to the store and pick up some bread. Yes, it's true we have no bread. What can I say? It's summer and Ben is gone. At least I have fruit and milk in the fridge.
Do you can? Have any great recipes I need to try? Tips & tricks to pass along?
I want to learm to can! Did you have a canner? Or did you use a pot?