Friday, July 29, 2011


Another installment of InstaFriday.  We just got back from MOVE in Carbondale, IL, so most of these pics were taken there.  On a side note, I have to brag on my kids.  It is about a six and a half hour trip and on our way home yesterday, they did AWESOME!!!  Traveling by yourself is never fun, I was actually dreading it.  Three hundred fifty plus miles all by myself, not my idea of fun.  But God shone down and blessed us with a great trip.
  Big boy eating some toast. CAN NOT believe he is almost 10 months old. 
Sister, the day we left, got herself all dressed and packed.  Momma had to make a few vetoes to this getup, I bet you can guess why.  She forgot it is summertime.

Loving our new Beco!
Posing on some piggies in front of the bbq joint where we had lunch on Wednesday.
Lincoln getting a quick snoozer at lunch that day.
Praise time
Given a big empty space, Mason likes to push Lincoln at super speeds in the stroller.
BUT, he also likes to cuddle with baby brother.
No words needed <3
Heard of planking?  Yeah, me neither. But I guess it's the new thing kids (and by kids I mean high school students) are doing.  We got Mason in on the action. 
Even tried the baby plank.
On our drive home yesterday the temp kept rising, and rising, and rising.  I'm SO looking forward to fall and winter.

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Friday, July 22, 2011

Better Late than Never....

Our fourth of July in pictures.
  Sunday night we celebrated with our homegroup.  Hard to get a picture with all twelve sweet faces looking at the camera.  I love these kids (and their parents)!
We had quite the spread.  Super delicious ham and cheese sliders.
Layered drinks, like these.
Stars koolaid ice cubes
With fancy red, white and blue straws.
Fun cupcakes.
And jello.
Also had red, white and blue popcorn (you can kinda see it in the background behind the jello), cake balls, and covered pretzels.
What can I say, we like to eat.

Kiddos on the Fourth.  It was this picture that made me realize how long Mason's mop really was and that it needed trimmed.  ASAP.
Happy {belated} Fourth of July!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I can Can

You can all call me June or Betty or Martha.  I learned to can today.  Now I do it all.  I cook, I clean (sometimes), I sew, I bake.
And I can
Homemade Strawberry Jam
Ball sent my friend Donna a huge stash of canning paraphernalia so we could all learn.  She had a House Party last week but Lisa (Donna's SIL and my homegroup buddy) and I couldn't make it, so we went today.  It was so fun!  And NOT AT ALL over-whelming like I thought it would be.  
Lisa mashing away at our strawberries.  Donna in the background cutting berries.  We made freezer jam and cooked jam.  Both of which were super easy.
For our freezer jam we did strawberry/blueberry mix. 
Lisa in a vintage Wendy's apron that was Donna's mom's.  
I am excited, I mean SCARY excited about my new canning skilz.  Watch out world!  My mind is reeling thinking of all the things I need to can.  More jam, apple butter, salsa, bread n' butter pickles, and on and on and on. 
Stirring jam, topping off jars and getting bubbles out.  Strawberry jam almost complete.  And see that cool white & green collapsible funnel, we got to take one of those home, along w/ a recipe book and TONS of coupons.  SCORE!
Our assistant underfoot.  The rest of the kiddos {all seven of them} ran wild in the basement while we were making jam.
The jam turned out so yummy.  Now all I have to do is head to the store and pick up some bread.  Yes, it's true we have no bread.  What can I say?  It's summer and Ben is gone.  At least I have fruit and milk in the fridge.

Do you can?  Have any great recipes I need to try?  Tips & tricks to pass along?  

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

For Mia {burp cloth set}

Recently finished this custom for an old friend from high school. 

I know I haven't posted much sewing lately, but I am keeping busy.  I blame it on the fact that summer is in full swing and we are BUSY (less time to organize and write a blog post).  I will have several more customs to post in the next few days so stay tuned.  AND, I am working on a post about all our Fourth of July festivities, better late than never. Right? Right. 
See ya on the flip side. 

Friday, July 8, 2011


Another installment of InstaFriday, some Fourth of July fun included
Retro baby in big brother's "vintage" 2006 Old Navy tee.  (Yes, that is my living room floor covered with toys in the background.  Real life peeps, real life)
Dad is always a good sport and lets sister brush his hair.
His Fourth of July attire (minus shorts).  Mason wore a matching tie, but I didn't get a pic of him in his.  
  Headed out to have some fireworks fun!!
The moon on the Fourth was so pretty.
Ooh, awwww!!
DATE NIGHT!! What a cute couple! *wink*  My MOPS group and church sponsored date night for 50 families, you dropped your kids off at the church, they got fed Chickfila and you were given a gift card to go eat.  SCORE!!! Since we chose a Starbucks giftcard (don't be jealous) we ended up going to Outback for dinner.  God blessed us with slow service and we got to eat free.  When we left the manager apologized and told Ben, "That's not how we do business."  Um, we kinda like doing business that way, bring on the free steak :)
And I had to laugh when they brought us our second loaf of bread, they stabbed the life out it. But it was still delicious and I had about ten slices, ok maybe just five.
Took a trip to Silver Dollar City, this handsome dude kept me company while daddy road rides with the big kids. 

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Friday, July 1, 2011


I've seen a couple of blogs (grey luster girl & kidnapped by suburbia) link up to InstaFriday, so I figured I'd join in on the fun.  After all, I am constantly snapping pics of my kids, my day and life around us.  I don't know what I did before my EVO, oh wait, yes I do.  I rocked a pink flip phone for 3 years and it took me 5 years to type a text.  And seriously the conversations we had about actually getting smart phones, you would have thought it was some major life decisions, like having another kid or building a house.  But when you stay at home and your husband is in ministry anything involving $ is a major decisions.  Six months later we are SO happy (and thankful) we have them.
On with the PICS!!
Ben got home from two weeks of travel, to say Mason missed him is an understatement. 
A trip to Sam's to get some staples.  Lincoln is almost always shoe-less, he did have some of the ministars from Target, but outgrew them.  It's summertime, and pudgy baby feet are cute so it's ok. 
My favorite summertime anytime salad.  Ben and I finished off almost the whole bowl.  YUM!
Can of corn drained, diced green peppers, diced onion, shredded cheddar cheese, mayo & chili cheese fritos=DELISH.  My friend Angie gave me this recipe, I'm forever grateful.  She also said you can throw in some chicken and call it dinner. 
I HATE when my baby is sick. 
My little artist, painting while big brother is at kinder camp and little brother naps. 
Hit up happy hour for half-priced slushes.  The slush machine was on the fritz so we got ice cream & and Coke Zero instead.
Had craft night last night at my good friend Jen's.  We embellished hats.  My flower is snapped on so I can change it out.  I'll look super cute sportin' it on The Fourth.  Along with crafting we also ate. A LOT.  I should have snapped a pic of the spread, but let me just tell you what was there.  PW's Cinnamon Rolls, choco/oreo/brownie bar goodness, cream cheese/salsa dip, cupcakes, lemon bars, trail mix, and fruit dip.  And yummy coffee with Almond Joy creamer. 
My festive toes.  

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