Monday, April 18, 2011

The Many Faces of Mason {featuring a gentleman's tie}

Mason is such a goof (and grouch sometimes) as you can see.  He's also one handsome fella and I'm proud he's mine. 
 He was super excited for his new tie I made him.  Sometimes I make things for him, and his response is less than enthusiastic, I was happy to hear that even around others he thought his new tie was "awesome."  My friend was helping in Kids Kountry (the pre-K & K class at our church) she said the boys were playing outside and had this conversation. 
Mason,"hey guys, check out my new tie. Isn't it awesome?!" Caleb said, "cool!" Josiah said, "Did your mom make it? It's sweet!" 
They are buddies!! 
ACTION SHOT!!  (It's reversible too)  
I'm making him and Lincoln some to wear for Easter.  And Mason is also gonna get a Batman one, I found Batman fabric at Mary Jo's when I went to NC a few weeks ago.  Pretty sure he's going to be the envy of all his friends.  

Shameless promotion: Need one for your son/nephew/kid down the street?  Check out my facebook page and let me know.  Little Man Tie $12

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