Saturday, January 15, 2011

I am alive...

Just MIA for the past month or so due to the holidays, and our computer/internet being on the fritz at home.  But alas!  Our new laptop came on Thursday, so we are up and running again.  No pictures to share, but I will tell about some of the things I've sewn in the last month.  

  • 4 doll diapers for my nieces Christmas gift
  • Purse/diaper bag for same niece so she has a bag to carry her new diapers
  • 6 diaper cases for church-ALL BOYS.  There is a boy baby boom at my church, pretty soon its gonna be a girl baby boom
  • Wetbag for good friend having her third baby, a girl, Kung-Fu Kate as mom affectionately calls her
  • Nursing cover
  • A new wallet for myself.  I really hope to do a tutorial on this, so stay tuned.
 I won't leave you with a boring post with no pics.  Here's Ms. Brooke, we celebrated her 3rd birthday today.  So BIG!!  I really cannot believe it. 

I also can't believe that I'm getting ready to start my last week of my twenties.  BOOOO!

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