Sunday, December 19, 2010

Glitter Frame {tutorial}

JOY to the world!
One thing I lack is a bunch of holiday decor.  We've got our tree of course, but really no other decorations for the season.  So I took my Michaels giftcard and made myself these awesome glitter frames.  Aren't they gorgeous?!  You can make some too, they are a little time consuming, but well worth the effort.  I think they look so fancy and look way more expensive than few dollars they actually cost to make.
Here's what you need:
Cheap $1 frame, ruler, some glitter, Mod Podge, and Mod Podge Clear Acrylic Sealer.
These are the purdy glitters I used.  Can't beat a glitter pack for $4.99, do what I did and use your 40% off coupon for an even better deal.
  Start by drawing your stripes on your frame.
-Apply your Mod Podge, lay it on thick.  Apply it just to the line, only on the face of the frame.  You'll do the edges after the face is done.  *Note it shows me painting it on, but after I did the turquoise I changed my method and began dabbing it on with the tip of the sponge brush.  Does that make sense?  It allowed for it to really get thick, good coverage.
-Sprinkle on your glitter
-Shake off excess and see what spots need recovered.  (This is where dabbing it on with tip really helps, it made for lots less spots that needed recovered).  Reapply Mod Podge and glitter anywhere there are bare spots.
-Apple Mod Podge and glitter to edges.  Let dry between colors.
-Rinse and repeat for the rest of the stripes.
-Once all colors are dry, apply a few coats of acrylic sealer.
 Stare in awe at your fancy frames and figure out what you want to hang in your frames.  I simply printed J-O-Y out on cardstock and cute squares to fit.
  A tip about where your stripes meet:
-sometimes bare spots are left that are hard to cover.  I got a toothpick and used it to apply the Mod Podge, that way I could get a thin line of it right where I wanted it.

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  1. So pretty and sparkly! I never thought of using mod podge for glitter, but I bet that works way better than Elmer's. Thanks for the tip!

  2. These are GORGEOUS! Never thought of doing them in a trio. I love this idea!
