Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Another Button Ring w/ Matching Rag Bracelet

I made another button ring, and made a rag bracelet to match.  I know the colors might be kinda random, but I have a turquoise top that I wear a pink tank under, so I thought why not add a pop of orange (cause I {heart} orange).  
These could not be any simpler to make, if you want step by step instructions look here.  Although I will say I actually prefer to attach my button to the ring blank before applying mod podge.  It gives you something to hold onto while painting it on.  For the buttons attached to the bracelet, get some sticky tack stuff, put that on the end of a pencil/marker/whatever and stick your button on.  Instant button holder.  
My bracelet I just cut roughly 1 inch strips (you don't have to be precise) and braided them.  Then hand stitch your ends together.  Wrap a small piece of fabric around your stitches and hot glue in place to cover your seam.  Then use your buttons to hide your seam even more and make it look super cute!  
Way easy, cute, and cheap! Can't beat it!!


Monday, July 5, 2010

5 Minute Fourth of July Project

These super cool rings are on my list of projects to do with my crafting friend.  Well instead of waiting till we had craft night I whipped one up before I went over to her neighborhood Fourth Party.  I needed something festive to spruce up my outfit that consisted of a red shirt and red earrings.  I know, lame, but what can I say, I'm pregnant. Since I did this the day of, I had to make a couple of adjustments.  I didn't have time to glaze them (and you can tell-this was a cheap $1 holiday scarf) but its okay, its a holiday jewelry piece, not something meant to be wore all the time.  And I didn't have ring blanks (but I'm going to the store at TODAY to get some), so I used a ring I had on hand, it worked fine.
Cute, huh?!  I'll be making lots more of these.
I also made one for Brooke (I used a toe ring, it fit perfect.)  She liked it for a while and then was over it.  I thought it was so cute.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Birthday USA!!

So proud to be an American!
Hope you had and FUN Fourth of July weekend.

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