Monday, January 30, 2012

LEGO Obsession Continues {the girly edition}

After Christmas I had got on the LEGO website, don't really know why actually, but I came across these.  A new line of LEGOS, just for my girl.  How cute!!  We were already getting her a big girl bike, but knew what we'd be telling grandparents to get her.  It's no secret that in our house LEGOS are a bit of an obsession with Mason.  Now Brooke would be able to join in the building fun.  Unlike Mason though, I suspect her sets will stay put together.  Granted, Mason keeps several of his intact, but he goes on building sprees where everything gets taken apart then put back together in some new creation.  Brooke on the other hand has been playing with her sets for a over a week now just as they are.
I just CANNOT get over the cuteness of these!!
Olivia's Tree House.  I spy a Star Wars guy, can you find him? 
Heartland Dog Show.  She thought more doggies were needed so 101 dalmatians came to play too. 
Seriously?! The cuteness!! Dog washing station that goes with the dog show.  Interchangeable bows, little LEGO water pieces, white picket fence.  Cute.  Cute.  Cute. 
City Park Cafe.  I think this is my favorite that Brooke has so far.  
Don't you agree? 
(L to R) Ice cream maker, pie display case, cash register with cupcakes ready for purchase.  Those cupcakes are actually upside down, the brown cupcake is supposed to fit in the yellow wrapper but didn't fit right (my only negative for this set), so we put the on the bottom.  At the booth two soda fountain drinks and a juice box.
Want to eat your burger out on the patio?  Go for it!!
Need some ketchup or mustard?  How 'bout salt and pepper?  They've got you covered.
Butterfly Beauty Shop.  A close second for favorite is the beauty shop.
If the Friend's need a new look, just swap out the hair.
Lipstick bar, oh my!
Ready to pay?  Check out at the cash register.  Brooke informed me later we forgot to put the sticker on the screen.  She fixed that problem.  Way to pay attention to detail!
The Friends.
She has seven, one was playing in her room when they took this group shot.

Brooke has already started asking for the Heartlake Vet.  It comes with a hedgehog named Oscar, and really what's cuter than a hedgehog?

So what do you think?  Aren't these so fun for a little girl?!!
The LEGO invasion continues. 


  1. Oh my goodness Amanda! They are SO cute :) I love them. I had no idea. Another reason I MUST have a girl : )

    1. my husband asked me "who likes them more, you or Brooke?" It's a toss up :) They are SO cute!
