Friday, September 30, 2011

Handmade Holiday Market

Awhile back my friend Mary Jo from 517creations facebooked me about having a little holiday market sale (doesn't that sound so much more fancy than craft show?).  I said yes immediately, especially since it's going to be at her good friend's home (nice and intimate) AND that it would be free (YAY, free!).  
So, I'm just getting excited to have a day to showcase (and hopefully sell) lots of handmade creations.  It's always nice to have a little extra Christmas cash.  

The Handmade Holiday Market will be Friday November 11th from 6-8pm and Saturday November 12th from 9-noon.
Go and "like" it on facebook and stay up-to-date on other vendors and what all you'll be able to shop for that weekend.'ll be a great place to find Christmas ties for your little man.  

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