Tuesday, January 5, 2010

What I Really Want in 2010

A fancy camera.  Like this one.

And since we love Dave Ramsey (we're debt-free minus our house, did you know?) this is something I'll be saving towards.  With the Mr. being in a ministry our budget is really tight, but my kids have clothes, we all sleep in warm beds and we've got a car to drive around town.  So there isn't anything to complain about.  Just the fact that I can't go out and buy this camera that I wanted like yesterday. :) I'm going to start with a goal of saving $400.  We got some money from my grandparents for Christmas, Ben and I split it so I've got $25 in my camera savings stash already.  Only $375 to go :)  I would love to be able to get it by summer time, but that seems really ambitious.  So it will be my goal to give myself a new fancy camera for Christmas next year.

You know what else I want for 2010?  To get pregnant and have a babe, shhhhh, don't tell.  Hey maybe I'll be able to use my new fancy camera to take pics of a sweet new baby in my life.


  1. I saw that..:) Have fun trying on the little secret! And you will love your camera! I am actually thinking about selling mine and upgrading this year. That's what my subbing job helps support...my love of cameras and pictures. I am going to take a class soon! Can't wait! Wish you lived closer so you could go with me!

  2. ebay is a great place to get cameras!! I recently got one off there brand new and love it.

  3. yay for Dave Ramsey...we're working on the debt free thing. My hubby is a pastor so I understand the "ministry" thing and not having much money. I am a photographer and was shooting film for a lot longer than most, simply because I didn't want a new camera on the credit card. I saved and saved and saved and when I finally got my new camera it was THAT MUCH MORE worth it and treasured. You can do it!! we're working on a little secret like you are too! here's to that and saving money for a camera!
