Thursday, December 17, 2009

Tis the Season to Drink Starbucks

If you know me you know that I love me some Starbucks.  I have Starbucks every morning.  No, I'm not a millionaire.  But I do have an espresso machine.  And it is the best Christmas gift I ever got (well maybe it's second now to my Touch I got last year).  I highly suggest getting an espresso machine if you don't already have one.  Mine is a Krups, its held up great after three years of using it nearly everyday-sometimes twice a day.  We get Starbucks beans usually at Target cause recently the bags have had a coupon for free tall coffee printed on the side.  Sam's Club has big bottles of 25 ounce flavored syrup for like $4.  So for the price of a Grande we get the syrup and it usually last about two weeks.  I'd say that's a good deal!
But if we do have some extra cash laying around, we still like get treat ourselves.  So let me run a list of my favorites.

  • Caramel Macchiato, my former favorite.  But that was before I really branched out. It's still quite yummy and is super easy to make at home. Just add espresso, steamed milk, vanilla syrup and caramel to your cup. Delish
  • White Mocha, yummo! This is the one that bumped the Caramel Macchiato out of the no.1 spot.  I tried to buy the syrup once at Starbucks, cause I knew in the past they had sold it.  They stopped selling it.  But the girl did tell me I could buy it on the "black market" on ebay.  To which the other guy working said, "don't tell her that."  But yeah it's true.  Some of the BIN prices are $43!!! It's good, but not that good. 
  • Pumpkin Spice. A fall favorite. 
  • Peppermint Mocha.  A Christmas favorite.  Even better though is the Peppermint White Mocha, it's heaven on earth. 
  • Caramel Brulee Latte.  Pretty sure this is new this year, and it is so good.  
Do you love the Starbucks pic?  I stole it from Keli at Kidnapped by Suburbia.  I just LOVE it!  She's a great photographer (although she's humble and says she's still learning) and I want to be her when I grow up.  She's awesome with textures and post-processing.  And she's super creative too!  Hop on over to her site and check out some of her tutorials.

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