Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Halloween Projects

I'm trying to get the kids costumes ready for Halloween.  I decided that The Monster is going to be a construction worker/tool man, we've got basically everything we need for this, so that's the main reason I chose it.  Cost wise it's going to be fairly cheap for me to complete.  So anyways, I dyed this shirt last month (maybe even back in August) and it's just been sitting there.  Perfect opportunity to jazz it up a bit with some embroidery and appliqué.  I don't know if you can tell but the print actually has tools on it.
It was my first time embroidering on a shirt so it ended up lower than I wanted, but it works, and The Monster likes it, so it's all good.  To go along with our Tool Man, Little Miss is going to be a Tool Girl.  I need to get a hold of another hard hat that someone won't mind me painting pink.  I mean, doesn't every girl need a pink hard hat? ;)  We did go to Joann's after MOPS today and picked up the fabric to make there tool belts.  So I need to get working on those.
Apples and pears tote front
This is the little tote bag I finished up for Little Miss.  I had this muslin lying (would it be lying or laying?)around, I picked it up out of the remnant bin at JAs.  The kids needed tote bags for candy and I decided to make something that wasn't fall/halloween exclusive.  That way they can use them year round, Little Miss especially.  She loves her new purse.  Here's the back.
Apples and Pears tote back
I'm working on Monster's and hope to finish it tonight.  Pics to follow.

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