Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Monster Turns Four Some Pics

Yes, my eldest turned four. So we had a Bootcamp Birthday Party for him. I am not a super party planner, by any means.  But I thought it turned out fun and I know the Monster will remember it for a long time.  So here's some pics of the big party.

I am kinda bummed that we forgot to get a family pic taken.  Oh well, what can you do?
Little Miss was drooling over these all morning.

Part of the obstacle course.  The Monster thought it'd be fun to make dad do it and ride on his back.  I guess people in the military have to do it with 40 pound packs on their backs, so this is kinda similar.
Little Miss after cupcakes.  I had to deal with the cupcake diaper yesterday, it was a joy. *heavy sarcasm*
The TENT!  He loved it!! They were in it playing with some of his new toys.
A better pic (minus the potty chair in the background, what can I say, I have a toddler).
I hand-stitched on the window.

Pocket on the inside was the bag that the sheet set came in.

Dad playing in the tent.
I need a bigger living room now to accommodate having his tent up at all times.  He and sis love it so much, I'm glad that I did it.  But pretty sure I won't ever make another one.  The things we do for our kids. :)

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